
Hi there! I am a human-AI interaction (HAII) researcher and Postdoctoral Associate at the Department of Information Science at Cornell University. I work with Dr. Qian Yang at the Design AI Lab. My research explores the societal impact of AI-powered technologies on work practices. Most lately, I focus on how practitioners design, build, and/or apply AI for digital mental healthcare.

Previously, I received my PhD in Communication at Cornell with a Concentration in Human-Computer Interaction. Throughout my PhD journey, I was fortunate to work at Microsoft Research, Google Research, Sony AI, Adobe, Accenture Labs, and Cornell Center for Social Sciences through various internships, fellowships, and PhD scholar programs.

Starting Fall 2024, I will join USC Annenberg as an Assistant Professor. I am always on the lookout for collaborators and students to work with. If you find anything interesting on this page, let's get in touch :)

CV    |    Google Scholar    |     angel.hwang [at] usc [dot] edu

Research Interest

#   Human-AI collaboration
#   Impact of AI on socio-technical ecosystems
#   Scalability of human-AI interaction research
#   Digital mental health
#   Future of work

Latest News

07/2024   I will attend DIS 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

06/2024   I will attend ICA 2024 in Gold Coast, Australia.

05/2024   I am attending CHI 2024 in Honolulu, Hawaii to present two papers and paticipate in the Workshop on Design (with) AI for Wellbeing.

04/2024   Our CHI paper wins Best Paper Honorable Mention at CHI 2024!

03/2024   I gave a talk at Annenberg Research Seminar on the topic of interacting with social agents in our socio-technical system.

02/2024   Our proposal “Everyday Sensing and AI for Mental Health Care: Navigating a Tipping Point” is funded by Cornell's Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society. We will host the inaugural Thought Summit on AI for mental healthcare.

Selected Publications

2024 CHI 2024

Societal-Scale Human-AI Interaction Design? How Hospitals and Companies are Integrating Pervasive Sensing into Mental Healthcare

Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang, Daniel A. Adler, Meir Friedenberg, Qian Yang

doi  |  pdf  |  video  

2024 CHI 2024

The Sound of Support: Gendered Voice Agent as Support to Minority Teammates in Gender-Imbalanced Team

Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang, Andrea Stevenson Won

Best Paper Honorable Mention

doi  |  pdf  |  video  

2024 DIS 2024

In Whose Voice?: Examining AI Agent Representation of People in Social Interaction through Generative Speech

Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang, Oliver Siy, Renee Shelby, Alison Lentz

[links coming soon!]

2022 CHI EA 2022

Too Late to be Creative? AI-Empowered Tools in Creative Processes

Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang

doi  |  pdf  |  video  

2022 New Media & Society

In the eye of the beholder: A viewer-defined conception of online visual creativity

Laura Herman, Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang

pdf  |  doi  

2021 CHI 2021

IdeaBot: Investigating Social Facilitation in Human-Machine Team Creativity

Angel Hsing-Chi Hwang, Andrea Stevenson Won

Best Paper Honorable Mention

pdf  |  doi  |  video